Word on the Street
廖教练非常好、非常专业。作为一个有驾驶恐惧的人,廖教练在第一堂课就解决了我不敢上路的问题。 而且他非常熟悉考试的路线,在不知不觉中就带我完成了各种考试项目的训练,并且我们在每周的学习中遇到过各种情况,比如紧急车辆,突然出现的行人等。我在今年6月已经拿到了驾照, 现在可以自己开车出门了, 真的方便了很多。 之前廖教练的google信息找不到了,再次重新评价一下。
For others this job might look easy but it actually takes a lot of work. It takes 110% of focus from instructors to enhance our safety especially for students who has never been behind the wheels. Instructor Liao is always looking around the surroundings when I'm driving and his feet is always on stand by on the brakes from the passenger seat. During my lessons I experienced a lot of unexpected things like all the sudden a car runs the red light from the lane across even though you are a green light or a car running the stop sign. When you are learning with instructor Liao you will feel safe. Will recommend him to everyone!